Carlton D Pearson Legacy
Carlton D Pearson Legacy
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Carlton Pearson Daily Affirmations 2021 - Day 20
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Carlton Pearson Daily Affirmations 2021 - Day 20
Carlton Pearson Daily Affirmations 2021 - Day 19
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Carlton Pearson Daily Affirmations 2021 - Day 19
Carlton Pearson Daily Affirmations 2021 - Day 18
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Carlton Pearson Daily Affirmations 2021 - Day 18
Carlton Pearson Daily Affirmations 2021 - Day 17
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Carlton Pearson Daily Affirmations 2021 - Day 17
Carlton Pearson Daily Affirmations 2021 - Day 16
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Carlton Pearson Daily Affirmations 2021 - Day 16
Carlton Pearson Daily Affirmations 2021 - Day 15
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Carlton Pearson Daily Affirmations 2021 - Day 15
Carlton Pearson Daily Affirmations 2021 - Day 14
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Carlton Pearson Daily Affirmations 2021 - Day 14
Carlton Pearson Daily Affirmations - Day 13
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Carlton Pearson Daily Affirmations - Day 13
Carlton Pearson Daily Affirmations 2021 - Day 12
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Carlton Pearson Daily Affirmations 2021 - Day 12
Carlton Pearson Daily Affirmations 2021 - Day 11
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Carlton Pearson Daily Affirmations 2021 - Day 11
Carlton Pearson Daily Affirmations 2021 - Day 10
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Carlton Pearson Daily Affirmations 2021 - Day 10
Carlton Pearson Daily Affirmations 2021 - Day 9
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Carlton Pearson Daily Affirmations 2021 - Day 9
Carlton Pearson Daily Affirmations 2021 - Day 8
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Carlton Pearson Daily Affirmations 2021 - Day 8
Carlton Pearson Daily Affirmations 2021 - Day 7
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Carlton Pearson Daily Affirmations 2021 - Day 7
Carlton Pearson Daily Affirmations 2021 - Day 6
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Carlton Pearson Daily Affirmations 2021 - Day 6
Carlton Pearson Daily Affirmations 2021 - Day 5
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Carlton Pearson Daily Affirmations 2021 - Day 5
Carlton Pearson Daily Affirmations 2021 - Day 4
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Carlton Pearson Daily Affirmations 2021 - Day 4
Carlton Pearson Daily Affirmations 2021 - Day 3
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Carlton Pearson Daily Affirmations 2021 - Day 3
Carlton Pearson Daily Affirmations 2021 - Day 2
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Carlton Pearson Daily Affirmations 2021 - Day 2
Carlton Pearson Daily Affirmations 2021 - Day 1
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Carlton Pearson Daily Affirmations 2021 - Day 1
The Music of AZUSA - Part 36
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The Music of AZUSA - Part 36
The Music of AZUSA - Part 35 - CHRISTMAS
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The Music of AZUSA - Part 35 - CHRISTMAS
The Music of AZUSA - Part 34
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The Music of AZUSA - Part 34
The Music of AZUSA - Part 33
Переглядів 3,4 тис.3 роки тому
The Music of AZUSA - Part 33
The Music of AZUSA - Part 32 - 25th Anniversary
Переглядів 4,3 тис.3 роки тому
The Music of AZUSA - Part 32 - 25th Anniversary
The Music of AZUSA - Part 30
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The Music of AZUSA - Part 30
The Music of AZUSA - Part 29
Переглядів 2,8 тис.3 роки тому
The Music of AZUSA - Part 29


  • @nspirationaltreasure
    @nspirationaltreasure 13 годин тому

    Congratulations!! 🎉

  • @nspirationaltreasure
    @nspirationaltreasure 13 годин тому

    So excited and ready for the conference 1:34:17

  • @nspirationaltreasure
    @nspirationaltreasure 13 годин тому

    "Not working for me" ... yesssssss!!! 1:26:48

  • @nspirationaltreasure
    @nspirationaltreasure 13 годин тому

    😂 I chuckle when you laugh. It's like i can hear, "What in the world?"

  • @nspirationaltreasure
    @nspirationaltreasure 13 годин тому

    That shame prayer is powerful indeed 1:24:13

  • @nspirationaltreasure
    @nspirationaltreasure 13 годин тому

    Jasmineeeee!!! That shame and anxiety is real. Be encouraged sis. 1:23:01

  • @nspirationaltreasure
    @nspirationaltreasure 13 годин тому

    What the hell is right Bishop D.E.

  • @nspirationaltreasure
    @nspirationaltreasure 13 годин тому

    We all seek what we can resonate with to feel "saved".

  • @nspirationaltreasure
    @nspirationaltreasure 13 годин тому

    My my my 1:19:22

  • @nspirationaltreasure
    @nspirationaltreasure 14 годин тому

    I think servant leadership is the understanding that we all have what each need.

  • @nspirationaltreasure
    @nspirationaltreasure 14 годин тому

    Jesus also never said that he gave all truth and what he said was all there was to know. He said when the spirit of truth comes we would be led into all truth.

  • @nspirationaltreasure
    @nspirationaltreasure 14 годин тому

    That's the unconditional love in you D.E.! Seeing all perspectives.

  • @nspirationaltreasure
    @nspirationaltreasure 14 годин тому

    Loveeeee that Stephanie S. Scott!! I believe that this journey ultimately is "coming to Self". This to me is coming to re-member the Oneness. God is all things, at the same time, all the time. Re-membering is I AM bringing all of Itself together again and over and over again! I so love this! 😁😁😁💜🧡

  • @nspirationaltreasure
    @nspirationaltreasure 14 годин тому

    We need each other!! Strength meets weakness or iniquities. It says that "to bear the burdens of one another is to fulfill the law of Christ." The different capabilities make sense when seen relation to the Greater Whole or what we may call "the fullness of God".

  • @nspirationaltreasure
    @nspirationaltreasure 14 годин тому

    Good good example with the nose and other the body parts. I lovvvvveeeee it! 53:05

  • @nspirationaltreasure
    @nspirationaltreasure 14 годин тому

    Yes the religious mind is the one that needs someone else to be wrong. The "prodigal" story is another great example. The reaction of the brother speaks to this.

  • @daniebronkhorst2290
    @daniebronkhorst2290 14 годин тому

    My Bible says different. Matthew 25:41-44 41 “Then He will also say to those on His left, ‘Depart from Me, accursed ones, into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels; 42 for I was hungry, and you gave Me nothing to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me nothing to drink; 43 I was a stranger, and you did not invite Me in; naked, and you did not clothe Me; sick, and in prison, and you did not visit Me.’ 44 Then they themselves also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not [e]take care of You?’ 45 Then He will answer them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me.’ 46 These will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.” God however doesn't send any people to hell for failing. People who choose against Him make the choice themselves to go to Hell. Matthew 7:21 21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. The choice that we make is a daily choice, and our timeline has a witness that will show what our true choice was. Submitting to God and His ways everyday (the way of true self-sacrificing love) is the choice we should make. God's way is expressed fully in Christ, when we make the choice to accept Christ, we must know that we also make the choice to be a follower of His ways. Luke 9:23 23 And He was saying to them all, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me. Luke 14:25-32 25 Now [m]large crowds were going along with Him; and He turned and said to them, 26 “If anyone comes to Me, and does not [n]hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be My disciple. 27 Whoever does not carry his own cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple. 28 For which one of you, when he wants to build a tower, does not first sit down and calculate the cost to see if he has enough to complete it? 29 Otherwise, when he has laid a foundation and is not able to finish, all who observe it begin to ridicule him, 30 saying, ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish.’ 31 Or what king, when he sets out to meet another king in battle, will not first sit down and consider whether he is strong enough with ten thousand men to encounter the one coming against him with twenty thousand? 32 Or else, while the other is still far away, he sends [o]a delegation and asks for terms of peace. 33 So then, none of you can be My disciple who does not give up all his own possessions.

  • @nspirationaltreasure
    @nspirationaltreasure 14 годин тому

    Coming to ourselves is about finding your OUR individual "truth", our understanding that leads to OUR own inner peace or faith. Each capacity is based on our persoonal comfortability. Unconditional Love covers it all because every perspective is understood by I AM. God is indeed not offended. The question would be, "How can the One who "created" it All be offended by any part of it."

  • @nspirationaltreasure
    @nspirationaltreasure 15 годин тому

    Well when Jesus said that Love was the fulfillment of the law. He showed them that the "law" was something different then what was interpreted.

  • @christophermiller4068
    @christophermiller4068 День тому

    Express Your Greatness - Late Honorable Bishop Carlton D. Pearson

  • @valeriebaul9380
    @valeriebaul9380 День тому

    I finally was able to join you live tonight but will join tomorrow.

  • @SpiritandTruthSanctuary
    @SpiritandTruthSanctuary День тому

    FAMILY -We are having technical difficulties and unable to stream live tonight. This will air tomorrow Wed 7/3 and 8:30pm CT.

  • @blpaulk
    @blpaulk День тому

    FAMILY -We are having technical difficulties and unable to stream live tonight. This will air tomorrow Wed 7/3 and 8:30pm CT.

  • @WILMOT91
    @WILMOT91 День тому

    Omggggg 😱. I’ve just been Holy Ghosted. This was so good. I’m learning that the True TRUTH is blasphemous. Thank you for expanding my consciousness 1:17:10 1:16:57

  • @P_Belle
    @P_Belle День тому

    CDP is dearly missed. Insight, approachable nature, and that humor!

  • @Shooe-wl9eh
    @Shooe-wl9eh День тому

    He is 100% correct. They use fear, and religion, Vatican, to control people. The big pinecone in front of Vatican is our Pineal Gland. They have taken control of it like Promethius stole the fire. I have restored my single eye, Land of Pineal and met God face to face and not died. The christ is the christos, the oil within our very own body... The 7 Chakra are the 7 seals and we have been completely fooled with word magick by the Roman Empire... Christ is within... the 12 apostles are within... all is within... The science of our body and longevity was stolen and now we are taking it forward again... We contain the lite and are the elite as well.... Longevity is storing up the christos, christ oil , inside... Learn about Syncretism and Mr Astrotheology

    • @Shooe-wl9eh
      @Shooe-wl9eh День тому

      Bill Donahue also teaches us this.... look it up... 👁🔥👁

  • @nspirationaltreasure
    @nspirationaltreasure День тому

    "I will be what I will be." In this I see "I will be what you 'need' me to be." Hey, according to your faith (what you are convinced of), be it unto you! 🧡💜🤷🏾‍♀️ 11:33

  • @nspirationaltreasure
    @nspirationaltreasure День тому

    I believe that both are true and it simply depends on the person.

  • @nspirationaltreasure
    @nspirationaltreasure День тому

    Congrats to her. I was there the Sunday is gave a few words at the church. Awesome!!!

  • @nspirationaltreasure
    @nspirationaltreasure День тому

    Hey Bishop D. E.!!!

  • @nspirationaltreasure
    @nspirationaltreasure День тому

    I so love her song for her daddy! Beautiful indeed

  • @bellacharise
    @bellacharise 2 дні тому

    Wow, “what if we all agreed to come here”

  • @P_Belle
    @P_Belle 3 дні тому

    Bishop, servant CDP is dearly missed. ...not as a follower of ANY person, rather the consistency and digestability of the message. ❤

  • @SuperRisingup
    @SuperRisingup 4 дні тому

    I miss him

  • @robinrainwater6852
    @robinrainwater6852 4 дні тому

    What about Jesus being tempted

  • @yahchosen5900
    @yahchosen5900 5 днів тому

    When i move to Tulsa Oklahoma in 86, attending Spartan School of Aeronautics, Carlton had a, what we call a store front church. Than move into the center and i still remember the basketball line we’re still on the floor. Watch the church grow, remember Carmen was going there before he move to Tennessee. I remember talking to the bassist that he had, ( a left-handed ) there, because i play the bass as well, talking to him about play for them, but nothing never came about. I remember when he first got married, and the women were mad … lol had his first baby girl. I remember, when he build the classroom and the Studio. Very fun memories in that church, met so many people there, i was so young 19 and now I’m 58, wow times as flew by … RIP Bishop Carlton D Pearson

  • @debo6012
    @debo6012 5 днів тому

    The bishop had great taste

  • @christinaburnett1082
    @christinaburnett1082 6 днів тому

    Binging off bishop videos preaching singing love him god blessed

  • @eyeofraproductions
    @eyeofraproductions 6 днів тому

    🎯 Key points for quick navigation: 08:10 *🌌 The church has historically demonized new discoveries and technologies, like astronomy, science, radio, television, and the internet.* 16:49 *🙏 Reverend Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith is offering a prayer course at Agape in Los Angeles, showcasing his enlightened teachings.* 20:26 *🔭 Historical figures like Giordano Bruno paid the price for advocating scientific truths, such as the Earth's rotation around the sun.* 25:24 *📺 Technologies once labeled as demonic, like television and the internet, have become powerful evangelical tools embraced by the church over time.* 27:07 *🎶 The distinction between sacred and secular music is questioned, showing that all music can convey spiritual messages regardless of the label or setting.* 29:05 *🎤 Many things, such as secular music, TV, or movies, have been demonized by the church but can provide inspiration and spiritual growth.* 30:29 *📜 The church has a history of labeling new or unfamiliar things as unholy, but over time, these same things may be accepted as tools of God.* 31:25 *⛪️ The message of universal salvation preached by Bishop Pearson is rooted in the original doctrine of early church fathers and can be seen as an ancient technology that challenges traditional beliefs.* 53:56 *🐣 Easter Bunny should not be demonized, understanding cultural shifts is important* 56:10 *🩺 The impact of the Industrial Revolution on societal norms like age of marriage and sexual awakening* 58:20 *🤖 Bishop D. E. Paulk discusses the neutral nature of AI, its potential for good or harm lies in the hands of its users* 01:00:33 *🧠 Generative AI's learning capabilities raise questions about reflecting humanity and ethical considerations* 01:04:09 *📚 Difference between Bible school and Theological Seminary lies in their approaches: devotional vs. historical critical analysis* 01:07:48 *🏫 Appreciation for Adventist universities and the diverse educational approaches in Christian denominations* 01:11:28 *🔄 Time does not inherently make evil good, progress and acceptance can coexist with acknowledgment of historical wrongs* 01:14:55 *🙋‍♀️ Debate within the Southern Baptist conference on churches with women pastors showcases ongoing challenges with gender inclusivity in religious institutions.* 01:17:29 *🍷 The evolving attitudes towards alcohol consumption within churches can highlight shifting societal norms.* 01:18:41 *🎓 Recommended schools for Seminary studies include Emory University, Harvard Divinity, and Princeton Theological.* 01:20:49 *🌍 Colonial missionary efforts have influenced the conservative views on homosexuality in some African Methodist churches.* 01:24:07 *💭 Judgment based on thoughts should be approached with self-awareness and compassion towards divergent perspectives.* 01:31:24 *👽 Exploring the potential intersection of extraterrestrial life and Judeo-Christian scriptures can lead to thought-provoking discussions.* Made with HARPA AI

  • @annajeffwalker
    @annajeffwalker 6 днів тому

    ❤ great. Thank you Paulk. Listening in from dubai

  • @christinaburnett1082
    @christinaburnett1082 6 днів тому

    Very knowledgeable bishop bless him

  • @christinaburnett1082
    @christinaburnett1082 6 днів тому

    Bishop loves gina she dont love him as much he died of a broken heart to love yall lost mine in 84❤😅

  • @artofunk
    @artofunk 7 днів тому

    You’re spot on👍🏽 keep this going as you are.. And those who can, Support (however large or small)✌🏽🙏🏽❤️

  • @haroldburns980
    @haroldburns980 8 днів тому

    this man right here a loss and his music has pulled me thru so many things be at peace sir be at peace because no matter whatever was thrown at you you were love you lived love and my god is love your wisdom and your spirit will never die tears fall

  • @christinaburnett1082
    @christinaburnett1082 8 днів тому

    Praying for you bishop

  • @earldavis8224
    @earldavis8224 8 днів тому

    Looking foward to the program

  • @alexanderthompson6688
    @alexanderthompson6688 9 днів тому

    😎Love to Carlton Pearson Family and Friends. Love to Azusa Street Boys (Brothers and Sisters) ORU B League Football Champions and Basketball Champions 5-1, 5-0! Carlton loved Azusa Street Ministries ORU. 😎❤

  • @christinaburnett1082
    @christinaburnett1082 11 днів тому

    Bishop ageing gracefully love his preachings and singing god please restore his health bless him

  • @sambelieverintheonetruegod7498
    @sambelieverintheonetruegod7498 11 днів тому

    We love people all people we, we embrace all people. We teach the gospel, believe the gospel, live the gospel. We don’t compromise when it comes to sin. We love and embrace the sinner but not the sin.

  • @MochaQueen5
    @MochaQueen5 12 днів тому